Custom rotary machines

In the modern world, tattoo is no more something exotic, and therefore tattoo parlors are always full of customers. But their work would have been impossible without special equipment for drawing a picture on the body – tattoo machine.  Right tattoo machine gun provides not only the most comfortable work for the master, but also allow you to apply the contour qualitatively and paint the drawing itself.

Real fans of their business design these machines themselves, adjusting them to their own style of work. For manufacturing are used: an electric motor, a string from a guitar, a wine stopper, a handle and a rod, and also a small metal plate.

Custom rotary tattoo machine. Such tattoo machine gun is excellent option for beginners, as it allows you to adjust the speed and impact force. Practically noiseless, they do not vibrate during operation, which makes it possible to apply clear straight lines. In addition, rotary tattoo machine is excellent at densely filling the pattern. They are also used to create permanent make-up, because they work accurately, very carefully and almost painlessly. When you buy rotary tattoo machine, pay attention on its engine. Only its high quality can guarantee a long service life.


Unlike induction, custom rotary tattoo machine is equipped with a motor with an eccentric, which makes it possible to control the speed of impact of the needle by adjusting the output voltage on the power supply. The principle of operation is as follows: rotational motion of the motor of the machine is transformed into a reciprocating motion of the needle.

If the custom rotary tattoo machine is supplemented with a needle stroke length adjustment system, it can be used for many types of tattooing, such as padding, shading or painting. For example, Dragofly, Stigma, Diablo, etc. have such models. An additional plus of such tattoo machine gun is the ability to work with different bundles of needles, such as 1 RL or 49 RM. If its induction machine, there is no such possibility.

Most often, custom rotary tattoo machine is used for packing the contour, because with their help they achieve high-precision drawing of contour lines: the edge turns out clearly outlined, without blurring.

The merits include the fact that the rapid movement of the needle makes it possible to forget about the pain that is inevitable during the procedure of applying the ornament: some 10-15 minutes and the pain will remain in the past.

Using the rotary tattoo machine in work, the master must work on the same skin area several times to obtain the desired result. In this case, you need to be careful not to allow rapid movement of the rotating element of the machine of the apparatus on the skin surface.

Modern rotary tattoo machine is powerful enough and at the same time low-noise, and to the virtues is the low level of vibration during operation.

Most often this kind of wheelbarrows is used for applying permanent make-up, also beginners master work on them.

Buy high-quality rotary tattoo machine: what you need to know

Worthy models of this type are sold without additional parts, which are purchased separately. On sale there are inexpensive Chinese sets from the “all inclusive” series, but the self-respecting and client master will not work for them.

For work it is necessary to buy a holder and a tube of the holder, tips (tipsy), needles and bandages. For connection rotary tattoo machine have to buy: clip-cord, pedal and power supply. Also you will have to buy consumables: paint and pigment caps, disinfectants, spray bats and other ingredients, without which the work will stand.

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