A beginner’s guide to the tattooing world.

Everyone starts somewhere and we are here to guide you all the way. By now you would know how to create tattoos and what you need to know in order to get it. The list down below gives you a guide into what you need to look for while looking for the best starter tattoo kit.

best starter tattoo kit
best beginner tattoo kit
A beginner’s guide to the tattooing world. 2

 Here’s the breakdown to make things easier for you to navigate through.

  1. Tattoo machine
  2. Power supply with footswitch
  3. High-quality tattoo ink
  4. Tattoo needles
  5. Sterilization equipment
  6. Practising skins
  7. Design books
  8. Educational materials
  9. A carrying case,
  10. coil machines,
  11. tattoo grips,
  12. clip cord,
  13. disposable tips,
  14. stainless steel tips,
  15. adjustment kits,
  16. tattoo gloves,
  17. ink cups, inkstands,
  18. rubber bands,
  19. transfer paper,

These are the basics to look for in any beginner’s tattoo kit.

Dig in!

Now, let’s go into the nitty-gritty

A beginner’s tattoo kit must include the machine, that is essential when it comes to creating your work. But with work that requires needles, sterilisation equipment is essential.

Look into items such as alcohol swabs and liquids. Paper towels to help you with wiping away any access foam. If you need a stencil look for transfer papers which will act as a guide when drawing your work.

High-quality tattoo ink is necessary to have a good quality outcome. Wear tattoo gloves to avoid the transfer of bacteria. Sterilization liquid must be used to any bacteria off of needles before application of ink.

The essentials of the best starter tattoo kit

Tattoo gun

A good tattoo kit must have a good quality tattoo gun, the quality of this will determine your customer’s satisfaction and the output of your tattoo.

making sure that the tattoo kit has at least four machines for a variety of work on the tattoo. It must allow you to fill in the different colors between the outline if you want. The frame of the gun must be made up of steel so it increases its durability and can use it for a longer period. The gun must be light in weight and must be comfortable to use as such it must be user-friendly.


When it comes to the ink, make sure you get good quality ink supplies in the kit. There are beginner kits which have multiple colors of ink. Ink has to be looked at specifically to avoid any sort of contamination when it comes to inking the skin. Look into the ingredient list when it comes to manufacturing and test it. Reviews on such products can help guide you to choose the best kit.

Foot pedal

Tattoo kits must have a foot pedal. This helps in making necessary adjustments of the needle and the set up of the machine. As a beginner, the eBay thing you could ask for is a foot pedal. It will help guide you through your process smoothly all the while allowing you to monitor and go at your own pace.

Practice skin

If you can’t get your hands on stencil transfer paper, then the practice skin works well. It helps you simulate scenarios and gain more expertise before trying out on real material. This helps take the nerves off of the art and you will be able to slowly work you way up the top.

Things that don’t come along but are necessary.

A cleaning kit is essential when handling tattoos. These usually are not included in the kits and are available to be purchased separately. This kit helps you in keeping the tips of your tools and other non-disposable parts clean. storage cases are great as it keeps all the important things in an organized way and your pieces of equipment will be protected from the dirt and the dust will be kept at bay, as mentioned, working with needles means cleanliness is a MUST.

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